Attendance & Punctuality

Full attendance maximises the opportunities for inclusion and achievement at school so that each pupil is able to realise his/her full potential. Pupils, parents and carers, teachers, support staff and governors all have a role in maintaining a high standard of attendance and punctuality.


Aims of the policy

  • To develop a systematic approach to gathering, analysing and responding to attendance data.
  • To implement a system of sanctions and rewards.
  • To develop a framework which defines agreed roles and responsibilities for all people involved in maintaining pupil attendance and punctuality.
  • To improve the overall attendance of pupils at the school.

Encouraging good attendance

  • Whole school activities will raise the profile of attendance and punctuality issues and encourage good attendance and punctuality. Termly rewards/certificates for children with attendance above 96%.
  • Termly rewards for parent/carers of children with attendance above 96%.
  • Termly rewards/certificates for children with the most improved attendance.
  • Involvement in the Arsenal Attendance Project.
  • Individual reward systems for persistent absentees.
  • Weekly rewards for classes with the best punctuality and attendance.
  • Attendance and punctuality display board in the reception area.
  • Information leaflets for parents/carers.


  • The registers are completed electronically at the beginning of the morning and afternoon sessions (9.05am and 1pm).
  • A ‘/’ or ‘\’ is entered to indicate present.
  • All absences and lateness must have the correct code entered with an explanation by the school office.
  • All lateness must be marked with an L and the time.
  • If a pupil arrives after the register closes without an explanation, it is marked with a U and considered an unauthorised absence.
  • Any staff member who receives information about attendance or lateness, should inform the admin staff


  • School gates are open from 8.40am for soft start. The expected time of arrival is no later than 8.55am in the school playground.
  • Children arriving after 9am must report to the school office where they will be given a late slip (Orange card) which must be given to class teachers. The names of late children are logged in the office and added to the registers when returned to the office.
  • A late letter will automatically be sent to parents/carers after 6 lates per half term.
  • All unauthorised lates (those after the register close at 9.30am) are treated as absences.

For Further Information On Our Attendance And Punctuality Policy – Contact Us