
Our Governing Body is made up of staff governors, parent governors, local authority governors and community governors. All governors are volunteers, and their role is to set the school’s strategic direction, ensure accountability and act as a critical friend to the school’s senior leaders.

A knowledgeable governing body provides effective challenge and support to school

OFSTED March 2023

Message from the chair of Governors

‘I recently became chair having been a Co-Opted governor for the last 6 years. It has been fantastic to see our School and Children developing, in 2023 we had a wonderful OFSTED report that highlights lots of the positive work done by all staff at the school to create a supportive, friendly and inspiring community. Myself and the Governing Body are proud to help support the leadership team.

Hargrave Park School is reflective of our local community, inclusive and diverse. I have been able to attend amazing school trips, assemblies, and school events. I’ve also been able see our teachers and staff in action at Governors Mornings. We are lucky to have such a well run, well maintained premises, as well as fantastic pastoral care and support for all our pupils. It’s a pleasure to be a small part of the School and see students continue to thrive, it’s obvious to all visitors that Hargrave Park students feel happy, confident and safe; a fact we should celebrate.

Gareth Edwards
Chair of Governors

Our School Governors

Governor RoleName
Chair of Governors, Local Authority GovernorGareth Edwards
Vice Chair of GovernorsJanet Burgess
Chair of Resources CommitteeGurpreet Singh
Chair of Curriculum CommitteeMaggie Elliot
Co-opted GovernorRahul Bakrania
Co-opted GovernorClare Lucraft
Co-opted GovernorKrishan Shah
Co-opted GovernorJared Bentsi-Enchill
Co-opted GovernorCarla Jones
Parent GovernorZoe Berger
Parent GovernorKatie Smith
Staff GovernorSandra Jago

Governor Interests

Below is the 2023/2024 Register of Governor Interests

Minutes of governors’ meetings

If you wish to read the minutes of a committee meeting or of the full governing body meeting, please contact the school to receive a copy. To contact the governors, email and specify “FAO Governors” in the object of your email.


All governors sit on one of two smaller committees which meet regularly across the academic year. The committees are;

Curriculum Committee

  • Maggie Elliott
  • Janet Burgess
  • Katie Smith
  • Clare Lucroft
  • Gareth Edwards
  • Carla Jones
  • Charlie Baverstock
  • Lisa Horton

Resources Committee

  • Gurpreet Singh
  • Gareth Edwards
  • Janet Burgess
  • Rahul Bakaria
  • Krishan Shah
  • Sandra Jago
  • Zoe Berger
  • Jared Bentsi-Enchill
  • Lisa Horton

Both committees report back to the Full Governing Body, which meets three times a year.

How to become a governor

Information on how to become a school governor can be found on by clicking on the link below.

Become a School Governor