Our Curriculum intent
The intent of our curriculum is to provide a broad range of rich, engaging, high quality learning opportunities and experiences to develop children’s confidence, resilience, skills and knowledge across the curriculum. Children will develop their cultural capital through a range of enrichment.
Our Key Drivers at Hargrave Park have been carefully selected to be relevant to our particular community. They are ‘PSE’, ‘Equalities’, ‘Celebrating London’ and ‘Eco-action’ and are what make our approach to the primary curriculum unique. The key drivers will equip our children to access their learning and navigate life successfully through:
- PSE:
developing personal resilience, social skills, emotional literacy and a strong sense of self. - Equalities:
valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. - Celebrating London:
building a strong sense of community and their identity as Londoners as well as being inspired to be ambitious by all that London has to offer. - Eco-action:
understanding how to be a responsible citizen of the local area and the wider world, including how to take action to protect our environment.

We have developed a bespoke ‘Theme Map’ to deliver the key skills, knowledge and understanding of the National Curriculum while meeting the needs of the children in our school through a cross-curricular approach and emphasis on Key Drivers.
Themes link, building on prior learning as children progress through the school. Opportunities to develop Key Drivers of ‘PSE’, ‘Equalities’, ‘Celebrating London’ and ‘Eco-action’ are made explicit, and are visited regularly through a range of contexts as children move through the school. Our theme map follows a two year cycle so that all the classes in a phase follow the same
View our theme map below:
Skills Progressions for each subject are followed closely to ensure that key knowledge and skills are taught, ensuring progress across the curriculum.
We have developed a ‘Hargrave Park Way’ to ensure maximum wellbeing, engagement and progress for all. This includes strategies for inclusive practice and engagement – for example: picking lolly sticks rather than asking for hands up; displays to celebrate success; effective differentiation strategies to ensure support; challenge and progress for all and a range of practical activities and enrichment activities to ensure all children have opportunities for success.
We place great importance on our high quality learning environment including high quality resources and dedicated learning spaces such as our Science Lab, Creative Arts Space and outdoor learning spaces.
Learning is planned carefully to lead to high quality outcomes including displays and sharing events.