
Maths is an integral part of the world in which we live. Children learn vital maths skills during primary school which set a foundation for future maths learning at school and in real-life contexts. Children build on these skills through reasoning, investigation and problem solving from EYFS to Year 6, with a strong emphasis on real-life application.

Through maths lessons, children learn to think mathematically at a deep level. They apply arithmetic and comprehension skills to work logically, reason and solve problems; these skills are vital to so many jobs today.

Maths learning is less formal in EYFS, with plenty of practical opportunities to apply maths skills in the environment – for example measuring and comparing in the construction area, filling and emptying in the water tray. Whole Class and Guided maths sessions teach key maths skills to the whole class and to small groups, which children can then apply in different contexts during continuous provision.

From Key Stage 1, units of work in maths alternate between number and non-number based lessons. Number includes mastering the place value system and working with the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children learn methods at an age-appropriate level, according to the school’s calculation policy. Use of physical resources to scaffold and extend learning happens from EYFS right up to Year 6. Emphasis is placed on the learning of number facts including number bonds and times tables in order to for children to work efficiently and continue to progress in maths.

Non-number units provide children with opportunity to learn about and explore shape, space and measure as well as interpreting data including reading and constructing charts and graphs. Children also learn to work algebraically. These units tap into different ways of thinking and it is important these opportunities are woven in throughout the year rather than all in one block.

To support planning high quality maths lessons, teachers draw upon and adapt schemes of work from White Rose as well as the guidance, models and vocabulary used in the DfE Guidance – Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools. Learning is differentiated and pitched carefully to the needs of individual groups of learners, so that each child develops the breadth of skills on offer in the maths curriculum.

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