
Assessment For Learning is ongoing and happens through observations, discussions and in lesson feedback alongside the child. This information gathered by teachers and support staff during lessons feeds directly back into planning to ensure misconceptions are addressed swiftly and there are appropriate levels of support and challenge for all, including ‘Mild, Hot and Spicy’ activities!

The progress of children is tracked termly through the assessment cycle which monitors individual and group attainment and progress.

In our school we use FFT Aspire for tracking attainment and progress across Year 1 – Year 6, and for setting ambitious targets. We use Tapestry in the EYFS.

In-house assessments happen at the beginning, middle and end of each academic year. Assessments are always age and stage appropriate and a range of methods are used to support success. In Years 1-5, we use NFER standardised tests to provide rigour in the assessment for non-statutory age groups. Senior leaders track the progress of key groups, including disadvantaged pupils, different ethnic groups, summer born children and children with SEN.

Termly Pupil Progress meetings follow in-house assessments and are used to identify strengths and next steps for whole class planning, plan effective support for individuals and groups where appropriate, and set targets for pupils.

Statutory Assessments

Statutory assessments happen at key points throughout Primary School, when pupils are assessed against National standards:

At the beginning of Reception

Statutory baseline assessments are carried out. This is an age-appropriate assessment of early mathematics and literacy, communication and language. It is used to create school-level progress measures for primary schools which will show the progress pupils make from reception until the end of key stage 2.

At the end of Reception(EYFS):

A ‘Good Level of Development’ measures children’s learning in personal, social and emotional development, physical development, communication and language, mathematics and literacy.

At the end of Year 1:

The Phonics Screening checks the children’s ability to apply phonics to decode when reading – this is considered a vital skill in learning to read.

At the end of Year 2(KS1):

The children are assessed by their teacher in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science. Part of the Reading and Maths assessments are written tests completed in small groups as part of normal classroom practice.

At the end of Year 4:

The Multiplication Tables Check determines whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It helps us to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

At the end of Year 6(KS2):

The children are assessed in Reading, Writing, Maths, SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Science.

Reading, Maths and SPaG scores are determined by a formal written test.