At Hargrave Park, e-safety is taught alongside Computing lessons and through cross-curricular ICT links. Each year we have an e-safety week and celebrate ‘safer internet day’.
Staying safe on-line is a key message within the curriculum and our wider safeguarding work and communication with our children and families. It is our aim that children move on to secondary school with the information and tools that they need to be able to use ICT safely and creatively.
Advice for parents
There’s a great deal of information available about how to use the internet safely. Here are a few useful links:-
- ThinkUKnow – parents section
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre has a website which has been designed and written specifically for different ages of children to ensure children stay safe on the Internet. There is an area on this website dedicated to parents called Purely Parents where you can register for monthly email updates. -
Helping parents and guardians understand the digital world their children live in. -
Vodafone have developed this website in conjunction with mumsnet. Find out about parental controls on social networks, smartphones, search engines and other services - Whatsapp Safety – A Guide for Parents
Further Information
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your class teacher or book an appointment with Juliet Makima, our Computing Lead, or Jacob Bond, our Pastoral Care Manager, for further information and support.
The Department for Education have published updated guidance for parents to keep children safe online. We have also prepared an online safety guidance aimed at children, for the primary sector.