Ofsted Reports

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It reports directly to Parliament and is both independent and impartial. By law it must inspect schools with the aim of providing information to parents, to promote improvement and to hold schools to account.

School OFSTED Report

In May 2023 the school had a full Section 5 inspection.

Read the School Ofsted Report – May 2023

  • Overall Effectiveness – Good
  • The quality of education – Good
  • Behaviour and attitudes – Good
  • Personal Development – Outstanding
  • Leadership and Management – Good
  • Early Years Provision – Good

School OFSTED May 2023

  • “Provision made to support pupils’ broader development is exceptional”
  • “Pupils enjoy strong working relationships with their peers and staff at Hargrave Park.”
  • “Pupils are safe and know that any concerns they may have will be dealt with swiftly.”
  • “Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding.”
  • “Pupils enjoy the range of visits and activities that enrich the ambitious curriculum.”
  • “Staff have high expectations for behaviour.”
  • “Pupils are taught to appreciate and celebrate diversity and know the importance of respecting different cultures.”
  • ”Pupils produce work of high quality.”
  • ”Reading is prioritised throughout the school and a love of reading is encouraged.”
  • “The well-attended breakfast club and ‘soft start’ allow staff to welcome pupils, and ensure that there is a calm and purposeful start to the school day.”

Under 3’s OFSTED Report

Our Under Three Provision was last inspected in November 2023 and was judged as Outstanding in all areas!

  • Overall Effectiveness – Outstanding
  • The quality of education – Outstanding
  • Behaviour and attitudes – Outstanding
  • Personal Development – Outstanding
  • Leadership and Management – Outstanding

Under Three Provision inspection November 2023

  • “It is a school that helps children to be courageous, creative, respectful and valued.”
  • “Adults are wonderful role models for children. They show them how to be kind and respect others.”
  • “The provision is a hive of activity and caters well for these young children.”
  • “Staff play alongside children and then make the most of every opportunity for learning.”
  • “The enjoyment of reading and storytelling is a prominent feature of the school life.”
  • “The personal development of children is carefully nurtured.”
  • “Staff give sensitive support and guidance to help children talk about and manage their feelings.”
  • “Children are well prepared for the next steps in their education, and because the provision is so well integrated into the life of the whole school, transition is smooth and highly effective.”